My Grandmother Better Described Through a Collection of Still Life Art

Inspiration to bridge the creative gap between art and editorial imagery with two curated collections with similar energy and vibe.

Collection 1 Video - still life art* set to music; very tongue in cheek.

Collection 2 Gallery - editorial photography*** illustrating a multilayered woman.

*images are not my own

**images shot and edited by me

I’m missing you. It’s still hard to believe that you’re not here anymore slapping hands so hard they stayed pink for an entire game of slap-jack, taking a full day to drink half a cup of coffee, all the while basking in the shimmer of your five gray hairs.

The smell of dial and dove soaps, the feel of super soft sheets, and jelly jars - empty or otherwise - always remind me of you. Though I hope to never sit on one again, squishy toilet seats will do the same, I’m sure, especially with a few editions of National Geographic nearby.

Your plants seem to grow just because. But it’s probably because you loved them all - from your porch plants to the wildflowers you’d ride around the farm on your tractor to, making sure everything was behaving.

Between the plants, the never-ending supply of ladybugs, and the most intricate (in my 5-year-old mind) the light in your home was magical. I think about it daily. Maybe you did that too and that’s how you’d end up sitting in the dark when the sun went down.

You just started to like me. But I’m pretty sure you loved me all along. And I sure love you.

P.S. I know you laughed, and maybe thought I was joking, but I am getting that snake tattoo.